პროფესორ აკიჰირო ოჰნიშის და იაპონიის საერთაშორისო თანამშრომლობის სააგენტოს მუდმივი წარმომადგენლის მორი ჰიროიუკის ვიზიტი
On August 18th, 2023, Professor Akihiro Ohnishi from Faculty of Applied Bio-Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Mori Hiroyuki, Resident Representative of Japan International Cooperation agency, Lado Uzunashvili, Chief Winemaker/Managing Partner of Mukado Wines LTD and Program Officer of Japan International Cooperation agency, David Mgaloblishvili visited the G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology.
The director of the institute, Dr. Mzia Kutateladze met the guests and presented information about the Eliava Institute’s scientific activities. The guests visited Eliava Authorized Pharmacy, Diagnostic Center, Phage Therapy Center, library, Museum, scientific and training laboratories of the Institute.
The participants of the meeting discussed about future plans and perspectives of Georgia – Japan scientific cooperation.