Bacterial strain and phage collection
George Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology has the most extensive and valuable bacterial strain and bacteriophage collection in the world. Eliava Phage and Strain Collection currently hosts over 1000 phages active against human, plant and animal bacterial pathogens. The collection also contains over 12 000 different representatives of 215 bacterial species and 70 genera isolated from different geographic regions of Georgia, as well as from various countries from all over the world (Europe, America, Asia, Australia, Africa).
Species | Strain | Phage |
Achromobacter xylosoxidans | + | + |
Acinetobacter baumannii | + | + |
Acinetobacter haemolyticus | + | - |
Acinetobacter junii | + | - |
Acinetobacter lwoffii | + | + |
Acinetobacter radiorestens | + | - |
Acinetobacter spp. | + | + |
Aerococcus spp | + | - |
Aerococcus urinae | + | - |
Aerococcus viridans | + | - |
Aeromonas hydrophilia | + | + |
Aeromonas sobria | + | + |
Aeromonas spp. | + | + |
Agrobacterium radiobacter | + | - |
Agrobacterium spp. | + | + |
Agrobacterium tumerfaciens | + | + |
Agrobacterium vitis | + | + |
Alcaligenes faecalis | + | - |