Laboratory of General Microbiology

The main research interest and scientific activity of the laboratory is the isolation of bacteriophages against various pathogenic bacterial strains and study phage-biology and genetics, as well as the elaboration of different medicinal forms of phage preparations and development of technology for phage production. The laboratory personnel participate in various international scientific projects in the field of medicine, veterinary and microbial ecology. In addition to scientific-research directions, the laboratory is creating new therapeutic forms of phage preparations, developing and standardizing the technology of their production. The laboratory actively cooperates with the commercial structures of the Eliava-Consortium (“Bacteriophage Biopreparations”, “Pharmacy”, “Phage therapy Center”) both in terms of expanding the antimicrobial spectrum (activity) of existing commercial phage preparations, as well as preparing individual phages for patients.


laboratory Personnel

Marina Goderdzishvili, PhD – Head of the Laboratory –  

Irina Chkonia, PhD – Leading Scientist –  

Ia Kusradze, PhD – Senior Scientist –  

Natia Karumidze, PhD – Senior Scientist –

Sophie Rigvava, PhD – Leading Scientist –

Maria Tchichashvili – Scientist

Nino Qvatadze – Senior laboratory assistant

Darejan Jgenti – Senior laboratory assistant

Nino Tatrishvili – laboratory assistant


Scientific Grant projects (last 5 years)


  • 2024 - Horizon Europe: Twinning Proposal: "Advancing Scientific Collaboration in Phage Therapy for Treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (ASCLEPIUS)".Presenting Institution: Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology, and Virology, Coordinator: Natia Karumidze, Consortium Members: Giles Brandon – Management Consultant, Managing Director, Intelligentsia Consultants, Luxembourg. Joana Azeredo – Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, University of Minho, Portugal.  Marie-Agnès Petit – Micalis Institute, France
  • 2024 -NNLE “Eliava Foundation – Association for the Development of Bacteriophages in Georgia”- The Study of Phage Activity on deep Dormant, Antibiotic Tolerant Bacterial Strains. (PI:I.Kusradze).
  • 2023-2024 NNLE “Eliava Foundation – Association for Development of Bacteriophages in Georgia”- Project #2700- “Genetic Study of Commercial Phages and Bacterial Strains Used in Production
  • 2022-2024 Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia Applied Research grant project AR-22-2210: Production of Phage Pastilles. Project Manager: Ia Kusradze.
  • 2023- Georgia’s researchers’ mobility program- Controlling of Acinetobacter biofilms with phages and/or phage derivate proteins.Project Manager: Natia Karumidze.
  • 2022-2024 "Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia" – "The Potential of Bacteriophages for Heavy Metal Uptake." Partner Organization: Tbilisi State University. Manager: Ia Kusradze.
  • 2022-2023 – NNLE “Eliava Foundation – Association for Development of Bacteriophages in Georgia”- “Characterization of” Jumbo “coliphage”. (PI: I. Kusradze).
  • 2022-2023 -NNLE “Eliava Foundation – Association for Development of Bacteriophages in Georgia”- “Creating a Dentophage Cocktail”- (PI: I. Chkonia).
  • 2022- Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia and French Institute of Georgia –“Modern tools and approaches for phage genome annotation”- PHAGES team, Micalis Institute.PI: Ia Kusradze. Mentor: Marie-Agnès Petit.
  • 2020-2021 -GNSF – CARYS-19-378 – “New Phage Pastilles Against Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infection of Oral Cavity”. (PI: I. Kusradze)
  • 2019-2023– “Ferring Pharmaceuticals”: “Developments of Phage-based Products in the field of Reproductive Medicine and Women’s health”. (PI: M.Kutateladze)
  • 2018-2020– SRNSF Research Grants for young scientists YS-18-413- “Isolation and study of antibacterial effectiveness of phages against Group B Streptococcus”. (PI: S.Rigvava)


Selected Publications (Last 5 years)

  • Rusudan Goliadze, Luka Kamashidze, Natia Karumidze, Sophio Rigvava, Olia Rcheulishvili, Aleksander Rcheulishvili, Marine Goderdzishvili, and Ia Kusradze. Morganella morganii Phage vB_Mm5 with Tolerance to Cu2+ Ions PHAGE. Published Online: 16 December 2024.
  • Rigvava, I Kusradze, N. Karumidze, M. Chichashvili, I. Tchgkonia, M. Goderdzishvili.  „SMALL BUT MIGHTY: CHARACTERIZATION OF VB_SPY_7, A LYTIC PHAGE TARGETING STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENESS“.  Georgian Medical News 2024 Oct:(355): 206-210. 
  • Ia Kusradze , Olia Rcheulishvili , Natia Karumidze , Sophio Rigvava , Aleksandre Rcheulishvili , Rusudan Goliadze, Luka Kamashidze, Alikya Chipurupalli, Nunu Metreveli and Marine Goderdzishvili; “Phage-Bacteria Interactions under Metal Stress:A Study of the Novel Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Phage vB_Stm18” Georgian Medical News 2024 Oct:(355): 117-122. 
  • Rigvava S.,Gubeladze L.,Natidze M.,Karumidze N.,Gogiashvili D.,Kvachadze L.,Bolkvadze D.,Loladze M.,Kavtaradze. Some Serological and Biochemical Characteristics of Antistaphylococcal Policlonal Immunoglobulin. Experimental and Clinical Medicine,2022, #5. p.100-101.
  • Kusradze, I.; Chkonia, I.; Karumidze, N.; Rigvava, S.; Dvalidze, T.; Barbaqadze, S.; Tatrishvili, N.; Bakuridze, A.; Bakuridze, L.; Goderdzishvili, M. New Phage Pastilles Against Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infection of Oral Cavity. Jiomics 2021, 11.
  • Rigvava, S.; Karumidze, N.; Kusradze, I.; Dvalidze, T.; Tatrishvili, N.; Goderdzishvili, M. Biological Characterization of Bacteriophages against Streptococcus agalactiae. Georgian Med News 2021, 182–186.
  • Leitner, L.; Ujmajuridze, A.; Chanishvili, N.; Goderdzishvili, M.; Chkonia, I.; Rigvava, S.; Chkhotua, A.; Changashvili, G.; McCallin, S.; Schneider, M.P.; et al. Intravesical Bacteriophages for Treating Urinary Tract Infections in Patients Undergoing Transurethral Resection of the Prostate: A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2021, 21, 427–436, doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30330-3.
  • Rigvava Sophie; Ia Kusradze, Irina Chkonia, Natia Karumidze, Teona Dvalidze, Marina Goderdzishvili. “Novel lytic bacteriophage vB_GEC_EfS_9 against Enterococcus faecium“. October 2021. Virus Research 307(2):198599. DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2021.198599
  • Jaiani, E.; Kusradze, I.; Kokashvili, T.; Geliashvili, N.; Janelidze, N.; Kotorashvili, A.; Kotaria, N.; Guchmanidze, A.; Tediashvili, M.; Prangishvili, D. Microbial Diversity and Phage-Host Interactions in the Georgian Coastal Area of the Black Sea Revealed by Whole Genome Metagenomic Sequencing. Mar Drugs 2020, 18, E558, doi:10.3390/md18110558.
Laboratory of General Microbiology
Laboratory of General Microbiology